Thursday, September 11, 2008

End of Summer

We had a super busy summer. Ralph was busy every night with building the new cabin for the hunters and scouting. He made his first flight cross country. Because of the weather it took longer then expected but at least he made it. We were back east for almost 3 weeks. We also bought an airplane that Ralph is thinking about selling and getting one we can all ride in. Yeah!? Raf turned 4 in August. He got his own 4 wheeler. He does really good on it! Skylar turned 2 in August also. She got a 4 wheeler too but it is a bit smaller. Raf started pre-school this week. He really enjoys it. I love picking him up from there and seeing him so excited. Plus he gets to go to school with me afterwards for about 45 minutes. We are justing getting into hunting season. We have had 3 guys here so far. Two got something and one wounded one. Not a bad start. Ralph is thinking about selling the business after this year. I think it would be great! He got a new job as a ranch manager so he won't at Aviat anymore. We should have time for family stuff and some vacations now.

I'm including some pictures of the kids on Skylar's birthday, Raf with his 4 wheeler and the new cabin behind him, another rafting trip (Ralph and I are in the water), the house with stone on the front finally, snow on labor day, Raf on his first day of school, the kids feeding Mac, and just two cute ones.

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